My filled with happiness life

"What if the world was crazy and I was sane Would it be so strange I can't believe that I am alone in saying The things I'm saying I am - part of you These are - universal truths We're all - part of the light that flows through everything" -Cher ! "It proves that you are unusual," said the Scarecrow, "and in my opinion being unusual is one of the best things in the world. For the common folks are like the leaves on a tree, and live and die unnoticed." -excerpt from "The Land of Oz"

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Saturday, We are celebrating Lori's Birthday at the Rose Room and this is the cast list.
Kelexis Davenport

Maya Douglas

Cassie Nova

Layla LaRue

Whitney Paige

and Special Guest, former Miss Usofa,
Raquel Lord

Its going to be Nancy, John,Lori,Jerry and not sure who else and it is going to be a blast. I am so excited! Well im off to work on design project and study for US history and eat dinner!

Friday, September 23, 2005

I will be the answer
At the end of the line
I will be there for you
While you take the time
In the burning of uncertainty
I will be your solid ground
I will hold the balance
If you can't look down

If it takes my whole life
I won't break, I won't bend
It will all be worth it
Worth it in the end
Cause I can only tell you what I know
That I need you in my life
When the stars have all gone out
You'll still be burning so bright

-"answer" sarah mclachlan

on another note (I loved these lyrics)
Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves..
will bring all of you to a new understanding and value of life.
A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet earth.
Like a priceless jewel..
buried in dark layers of soil and stone.
Earth radiates her brilliant beauty..
into the caverns of space and time.
Perhaps your are aware of those who watch over your home.
And experience it as a place to visit and play with reality.
You are becoming aware of yourself as a game master.
Imagine earth restored to her regal beauty.
Stately trees seem to brush the deep blue sky.
Clouds billow to form majestic peaks.
The songs of birds fill the air..
creating symphony upon symphony..
The goddess is calling for..
and honoring..
of what she allows to be created..
from the core-mystery of the blood.
Those who own her planet are learning about love.

-"gamemaster",Paul Oakenfold

Thursday, September 22, 2005

where do these people get off?

Now this really pisses me off!

To the editors,
It has come to my attention that you recently published an article alleging that I blamed Hurricane Katrina on the selection of sexual deviant and New Orleans native Ellen DeGeneres to host the Emmy Awards. I must demand a correction to this libelous accusation. As I have stated repeatedly on “The 700 Club,” Hurricane Katrina occurred because New Orleans is the epicenter of sinful jazz music in America. As for Ellen “DeGenerate,” I have predicted she will meet her fate when the Good Lord creates an earthquake centralized directly below the studio where she tapes her talk show.

What the fuck? (exscuse my language) But first of all,I didnt know Pat was a prophet . Second of all, how unchristian is that to wish something like that on a person. that is so horrible!!!!!!!!! Whatever happened to love your neighbor?
The very idea that I stated on “The 700 Club” last Sunday that one celebrity’s sexual deviancy was the cause of Hurricane Katrina is patently absurd. As most of your readers surely know, the Christian Broadcasting Network doesn’t even air “The 700 Club” on Sundays. The idea that I would work on the Sabbath is so ridiculous, it almost made me think that your article might be some kind of a joke.

In addition, your article misquoted me as saying that the Lord “will not tolerate such sinful [sexually deviant] behavior to spread beyond the Tonys” implied that I said He condones an awards show that exists solely to lure the millions of innocent young people who watch into the homosexual lifestyle.

The very idea that I would approve of a homosexual extravaganza in any way, or state that God does, is deeply offensive and merits an immediate correction. (Though I was happy to hear that the show “La Cage Aux Folles,” which won a Tony for best musical revival, features a conservative Christian leader as a character. Hopefully other shows will take the lesson that Americans respond to positive portrayal of upstanding, moral citizens.)

If you are interested in the true reasons God unleashed Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans, a simple search of transcripts of recent episodes of “The 700 Club” (which air Monday-Friday) would have revealed the answer: New Orleans asked for this tragedy by advertising itself as a destination for jazz music. As every Christian knows, jazz music is sinful and lures people into eternal damnation. The connection is obvious.(jazz music? what? and Im sorry but Why is everyone saying God has brought this disaster upon the people. Why would God want to kill Christians and innocent children? It is truly against his character and nature. I do not believe God is showing his wrath to America but that this is just the weather.)

As for Ellen “DeGenerate” (an accurate nickname my good friend Jerry Falwell coined)

oh yea me and Falwell are real tight too!

, she will soon face the wrath of God. But not in the sinful city of New Orleans where she was born, the even more sinful city she has adopted as her new hometown: Hollywood, California.

In order to make clear His anger is directed at her, God will create an earthquake whose epicenter is directly below the stage where Ms. Degenerate is hosting her show at that moment. The guests, crew, and audience at such an event will likely perish, but since many of those people are likely sexual deviants and the rest choose to associate themselves with homosexuals, they are hardly innocents.

I hope this letter has made clear the numerous errors in your article. All of these mistakes could have been avoided through simple research on the website of “The 700 Club.” I hope in the future you will get your facts straight when reporting on my attribution of major national disasters to the behavior of homosexuals.


Rev. Pat Robertson

My goodness such hatred being spread under the guise of Christianity but these people are nothing like Christ in my opinion. Makes me so angry. Scary and saddening! These people like Robertson and Falwell keep get loonier by the day! I guess I better watch out for an earthquake under my room cuz Im gay and played Jazz music here.(who would have known jazz was equated with leading to eternal damnation?) Also how damaging is this to the true cause of Christ? How inviting is it for people to join this faith when the leaders are doing nothing but spewing hatred? It makes true Christians who want to show love to others be embarassed and not even want to call themselves Christians because people will automatically assume they are judgemental and belong in the loony bin? "Oh youre a christian?. Ok, nice talking to you. Ive gotta go dry my hair(runs quickly)".

Monday, September 19, 2005

anxious and scared of probation atms!

lion,tigers, DWIs! Oh my! I was reading in the dallas morning news yesterday about a new program in Dallas where people on probation can report to little kiosk machines similiar to an atm instead of visiting with an actual probation officer. Now only people convicted of certain crimes are able to get into this program and only after a certain amount of time of meeting with an actual probation officer can they be qualified for this program but Im still quite concerned and so are many others.

Heres an actual quote from the paper talking about the people who have reported to the kiosk in the last year since its implementation (database of 900 people)

• Nearly half of them were on probation for driving while intoxicated.

• Twenty had been convicted of drunken driving at least three times, making them felons.

• About half of the 900 were on probation for other felonies, including drug dealing, burglary, engaging in organized crime and, in a few cases, robbery.

• One had attacked two police officers and tried to seize their guns. Under the probation department's written policy, people who have assaulted public servants aren't supposed to report to the machine.

As the article points out so appropriately is that a machine can not smell alcohol on someone's breath or marijuana on someone's clothes. This system allows repeat offenders of DWIs to report to this machine. WHAT? According to Dr. Jim Mills, the probation department's interim director "It's a matter of resources," he said. "Something's got to give somewhere." Hmm well I dont want that something that has to give be the life of my friends, family, my friend's children or any other life because they were hit by a drunk driver who had already had 2 DWIs and was reporting to a machine so was slacking off and getting right back into the same patterns. NO! Look at Jacqueline Renfro a school teacher who was with her children when they were hit by a repeat drunk driver!(it doesnt say anyone died in this instance fortunately but the point remains the same.) how many more people have to die at the hands of repeat drunk driving offenders? The whole point of probation (at least to me having never gone through that) is a program that provides incentive for them to improve their habbits which is reinforced by their face to face meetings with a probation officer. They know that if caught breaking their probation, they could end up in prison for the first time or back in prison depending on the case. Without that interaction and knowing you can type some bullshit no/yes answers
such as

Has your address changed since your last report?

Have you changed jobs?

Have you used alcohol or drugs?

Have you been arrested or otherwise had contact with the justice system?

If answering yes to any question, probationers are supposed to write an explanation on a paper form and place it in a box.

The machine itself accepts money orders for fines and fees, which are placed in an envelope and passed through a slot.

People can easily lie to a machine and without that accountablity of a probation officer, they will quickly fall back into their old habbits
look at this statistic
The News spot-checked the 900 machine users' names in recent Dallas County criminal records and found 18 who had been re-arrested while reporting to the machine. Nine were DWI convicts charged with drunken driving again.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this new machine and its effectiveness.

Oh also today, we had to give a presentation for my design class and I did the makeup design part. Now I may be one of the most flambouyant people you know (for those of you who know me--sometimes stuff just starts on fire around me and i have no idea why. lol), I can perform in drag, and am very social, but when it comes to getting up in front of my entire class no matter how big the class is and giving a presentation or just talking, I get so nervous and anxious. I normally speed through whatever I have to say and forget to say certain things I had planned to say. I do not know why either. I really need to work on this somehow. I think I have to take a speach class and maybe that will be good for me. As a designer, I will have to make lots of presentations to directors,other designers and other people on the technical crew for whatever production I am working on so its not going to go away.With pageants, Ill have to do onstage question and interviews too so i just need to get more comfortable with things like that (interviews like one on one im fine though. its more of when in front of a big group) I tried to tell myself breathe, relax today but it didnt work too well! I think the presentation went well though and I was alittle more relaxed than normal so that was good but I still missed saying certain information that I had planned to say.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Who is Mr. John Roberts?

I was just reading an article from Dallas Morning News’ Quick about the evasiveness of Chief Justice John Roberts. It seemed like he was trying to dodge almost every question about issues that they were throwing at him especially concerning abortion( called the 600lb elephant in the trial). I really hate people like this who skirt the issues but I guess that is in the nature of politics. I appreciate and respect directness and people being honest about what they stand for. If there is nothing suspect or wrong with your practices, then why not just be open about them? In time, if he does become our next chief justice, we will see where he stands but then will it be too late? It would be a travesty to this nation if Roe vs. Wade was overturned and the right to abortion was denied to woman. We would need lots more CASA volunteers and workers, therapist, and counselors I can tell you that much. This world already has enough suffering in it, why bring more children into being raised by unprepared or unsuited parents? I thought it was very interesting however that he had down pro bono work for people trying to uphold gay rights “if there has been something involved to which he objected on moral grounds, he wouldn’t have taken on the work”. for more information on his gay rights work. Reading this made me see him a new light to some extent but am very concerned about his position on abortion and woman’s rights. Also, some people will support gay right’s to a point but when it comes down to gay marriage, then it’s a different book. He has said that his faith will not play a role in how he judges cases and that he looks to law books, not the Bible, for guidance. How I would love it if this man actually ended up living by those words or will he leave a legacy of hypocrisy like so many others that have come before (want a good list to start off with u can check out the rudicus report) . I would love it even more that if after becoming Chief Justice, we saw him become more liberal than Bush ever imagined and actually affecting positive social change. I can only hope!The hearing is supposed to continue today and I am sure we will get more news of its details tomorrow.

Until next time,I must say how I long for days of 2008. I think Im off to take a nap where I will dream it is the year 2008 and Hillary Clinton is president and weve shipped the Bush family off to their own little island.

oh and kelly, that is so silly of Samara. Looking at her prelim gown score, it was not so bad compartively to others in the 12. She should have known that was a no no in the america system. Now in UsofA, you can wear one gown for prelim and a completely different one for final night correct?

Monday, September 12, 2005

Now I can stil not get over this samara stone/mary ann teel twin sister or double identity complex. They look so much alike. The only real difference is that Mary Ann teel's nose is just alittle bigger than samara's but mary ann teel could easily have contoured that for the pageant as samara where contouring the nose too much in real life doesnt fly over as well. I wish I could put their two pictures together side by side and do a comparison but as of yet, I have not been able to find a picture online of either of these two ladies. I searched unt's website thoroughly with lots of hits on my teacher but nothing with a picture with it. As far as samara, i tried to google her and nothing! perhaps Kelly has a picture of samara from the pageant. I wonder if Mary Ann teel has a brother who lives in Amarillo. hmmm I dont know. This whole thing kind of fascinates me.

I am also very curious of why Samara got a 0 as her score for final night evening gown. Did she change gowns from prelim to final night or what? Kelly?

Well I didnt get enough sleep last night so I think Im going to lay down for awhile. Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

two gays bois just stopped by my dorm to introduce themselves to me just now! they recognized Krystal on my door! wow! that is so cool. Hunner (who I had been told by a friend was gay and knew he lived on my hall) and Ryan. Of course, I looked like shit and so gay too( lol I was wearing this oversized pflag shirt that I only wear around my room)

Miss Gay Texas America

Yes I stayed all night for the pageant but left right after crowning. I wanted to introduce Nancy to Maya but at the end of the pageant Maya was no where to be found. I dont really blam her though. I know everyone was tired and I know especially she had to be with the weight of judging all week long. I will just have to introduce them next time we go. Oh my goodness, that was one of the longest pageants I have ever been to! We did not make it back to Denton til 5am with the pageant getting over alittle after 4! It was a blast. 4th Runner Up: Heather Skyy,3rd Runner Up: Layla O'Hara,2nd Runner Up: Chanel LeMasters,1st Runner Up: Onyx

Miss Gay Texas 2006: Layla Larue

Congratulations!! Good luck Onyx and Layla on your way to Miss Gay America in Memphis!I know you will both make texas proud no matter where you place. I thought it was very close between the two. Onyx's talent really touched me. My friend cried because of it and was dearly touched. Aspen, you did a wonderful job and I am very proud of you! Your talent was very creative, unconventional, and amazing. I loved the new hair with that gown.Kelly, you are right. It totally transformed that dress! You looked so stunning in evening gown.

My friend Nancy and I were both commenting that we know this title will be yours someday soon! Please dont give up because Ill be in the audience cheering you next year! I am very proud of you! The talents I thought really stood out were Chanele Lemaster's Easy as life.....girl I had goose bumps! Layla's talent was very clean, high energy and put together. She worked it out for the kids! I already mentioned Onyx's talent. One girl did the exorcists talent which stood out to me but not in a good way. I remember when she did question and answer she talked about wanting to be an inspiration because she was visually impaired. I thought that was so cool and she gave a great answer to her question but her talent left me with a negative feeling not inspiring at all. I was like why? My friend Nancy commented that it really tooks guts and bravery for Aspen to make herself look crazy and not beautiful like she normally is which I agree.Aspen's talent also really worked it out in the end and wowed me making me give a standing ovation at the end so I still felt uplifted and adrenaline pumping. Heather Skyy's talent was cute and theatrical.

I believe Valerie Lohr had alittle too much to drink last night which was funny but slowed down the pageant some( dont get me wrong I still love her). Celeste took over for her at one point during the second half of talent which sped up the pageant some.One contestant named Simara Stone( I believe that is her name she did Gwen Stefani "shit is bananas" with baseball theme) reminded me so much of my bus calculus teacher from UNT that I have this semester. I could not get over it all night. Now this is true, In class (we are only 2 weeks into the semester so not a lot) I have caught myself wondering could she have born as a boy and now live as a woman( a truly beautiful one at that). Yesterday (friday) my 10 am class with her was cancelled and I thought hmmm could it be that she had to make the contestant meeting at the rose room at 11am. I wonder and Im sure it sounds crazy but I still think there is the possiblity that Simara Stone is my teacher Mary Teel? Kelly, Aspen, do you know anything of this entertainer where she lives or anything. I heard there was some drama about her not being at the first day of competition but I am not aware of the reasosn why (Ive heard a few things but I dont know which is true and which is gossip). Also Whitney Paige was billed for being a host at last night's pageant(according to the official miss gay texas america website) and I was curious what happened there.

Allysa was stunning all night long and a true proffessional. She is so gorgeous and I really look up to her. I loved her vogue opening production.I also thought it was so great that Allysa's mother was in the audience and has supported her through out her career. I wondered if my mother or father will ever be in the audience when I compete in a pageant. Whether they are or not, I must follow my dreams whether my family agrees with them or not. Aspen looked HOT when she came out. My friend was like she's got to be in the top 12. Heather looked fab with her super high hair with feathers I loved that! Onyx was so cute. She came out as Lucy with the cutest little puppy dog! Oh I lived! I also really liked Ashley and Claudia's hair in the opening number. A lot of the girls had really fun costumes for opening production but those are the ones that stick out in my head at the moment.I cant wait til Kelly gets some pictures online! Nancy really enjoyed herself and was so glad she came. Every time she saw Maya she could not help but stare. She truly is mesmerizing. I was thrilled that she was able to come and thought this pageant was a great way to introduce her to the art form of female impersonation. She has seen pictures but this was her first time to ever see it live! Next time, we are going to a regular rose room cast show and she is going to bring her husband. Hope Krystal dont steal him away (lol JK)! Well I think I am going to eat some left over cornbread of jerry's and perhaps a cashew butter sandwich for lunch so this is all for now!

Friday, September 09, 2005

I am very excited that Nancy and I are going to be attending the miss gay texas pageant tonight. Jerry may possibly join us too. I cant wait! I love a pageant like a fat girl loves cake! I just learned that Maya Douglas is a judge so Nancy can finally meet her! When I get back from the pageant, I will report back with all the details! Good luck to Aspen, Layla, Onyx, Heather and all the other girls! Like Rupaul said,You better work! I am bringing my camera, girl! My friend Sunshine is going down to Baton Rouge this weekend to help with animal rescue and I just want to say that I am very proud of her. I considered going but I was worried about not making it back in time for my monday classes or being able to get gas to get back plus I have a project I need to work on this weekend. I really wanted to though and if she does go again in a few weeks like she said she may then I may go with her then. Everyone have a good weekend and remember friends dont like friends drink and drive or drink and shop!For now thats all I have to say. Hugs!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Look at this sickening promo featuring Allysa for Miss Gay Texas! Found this out,Aspen competed in Interview Wednesday afternoon, and Competes in Solo Talent Wednesday night. Pre-judging begins at 8pm.Thursday night(tonight) Aspen has Evening Gown (pre-judging) and Main Talent at 10pm. I dont think I will be able to attend tonight but GO ASPEN! I am going to see if my friend Nancy might be able to go with me tommorow night.

for information on the pageant go to and for more information on aspen go to!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

So Miss Texas America is approaching us! Are the girls ready? Who is going to wear that crown final night?




I want to say good luck to Aspen, Heather, Layla, Onyx and all the other girls. I have heard some drama about Lady PT being appointed honorary Miss Texas and mceeing the whole pageant. Supposedly because of this, neither Kofi or Charity Case will be attending the pageant.I always love seeing formers mcee! having the formers there and mceeing brings something special to the pageant! Kelly, please tell us who mcees tonight and which formers were there tonight.

OOO I cant wait to see those girls slay in evening gown on final night! Still havent figured out how Im getting there but I will be there final night!

Congrats Allysa on a year well done! may you go on to suceed in whatever else you pursue! You are beautiful inside and out. You have always been so sweet to me!