My filled with happiness life

"What if the world was crazy and I was sane Would it be so strange I can't believe that I am alone in saying The things I'm saying I am - part of you These are - universal truths We're all - part of the light that flows through everything" -Cher ! "It proves that you are unusual," said the Scarecrow, "and in my opinion being unusual is one of the best things in the world. For the common folks are like the leaves on a tree, and live and die unnoticed." -excerpt from "The Land of Oz"

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I feel helpless now
Dont know what to do
but i want to
help you
Through goodtimes and Bad times,
ill be there standing right next to you
im here for you
this I know is true
A person as beautiful as you shouldnt have to go through
I want hold you in my arms
shelter you from all the pain
get you out of the rain
I admire you
I know you are strong
you will get through this
the rain will pass
the sun will come
youll find your path to happiness
its in your reach somehow
though seems a million miles away right now
questions you ask in your heart
change will start
before you know it
youll see the rainbow
youll be able to see a clear sky again
take a step forward
keep on trying
when all seems hopeless
no way out
keep faith in yourself
you are worthy
you are strong
you are beautiful
inside and out
you can do so much
though you doubt your abilities
the world,time seems to be against you
fuck them all
take control
dont let them control you
take reign of your destiny
I have faith in you

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Learn some respect!

People just have no respect for others or themselves. I am taking this American Sign Language class which is taught by this amazing teacher named Bobby who is deaf himself. He is very passionate about teaching the class because it is part of who he is and he is sharing the deaf culture with his students. He is hillarious and could be a stand up comedian. I love him as a teacher. On the first day of class, you are told that in class their is a no voice policy. For one, using the language and not having voice to use as a crutch in class aids in learning the language. Secondly and most importantly, It is considered rude for a hearing person to use voice in deaf culture when in a deaf enviroment because it is excluding the deaf person from the conversation. Well on thursday, about 4 girls in the class were talking non stop. They did some signing while talking but just alot of voicing. We were doing some partner activities and one was to use signs to describe your favorite room in the house. Well one girl got frustrated with Britney and instead of working through that frustration and learning through the experience by signing, she just decides to talk and take the easy way out. I missed tuesday of class because I was sick but was able to pick up on what they learned tuesday and complete this activity without my partner or I ever using voice. Well there was about 4 of us signing and being quiet and another 4 who were using their voice way too much (some people were absent and some others have dropped the class I think). Hello! If you simply can not communicate through signing, then you write it down on paper like I have to do sometimes. you do not talk. well these girls continued to talk and right as we were getting ready to start a new activity which required us to get in a line (where they talked loudly in line), the teacher writes on the board you do not respect me or any other deaf person! DISMISS! He packs up his stuff and he leaves. I definitely do not blame him at all. I really hope his action sent a message to those who were voicing so that we wont have this problem in class anymore. The girls really hurt the four of us who werent talking too. After he left, the girls didnt apologize to us or say anything. They just packed up their stuff and left. The four of us who were following the rules of class stayed after and talked over the situation with a couple of other girls from the ASL lab out in the hall. For those of you who know me, I am a very talkative person and if I can keep quiet and sign in class so can they. The girls actions were disrespectful to the teacher, to deaf culure and to the students who want to learn because its hard to focus and keep yourself in the right mind set when people in the class are acting like it just a normal hearing class. If those girls talk on tuesday, I will personally throw them out myself. It is time that they learn some respect for themselves and to others.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Well Calculus is proving to be hard for me as I expected. I made a 44 on the first exam but I feel that I can still pull off a C in the class. The teacher is the best math teacher ive ever had so thats a big plus but the concepts are still not quite clicking with me. Im going to spend the majority of today at the math lab and then go to class. Im also going to ask the math lab for recommendations about tutors in this area of math so hopefully that will help. At UNT, they have a si tutor that actually goes to your class with you and sets up review sessions like twice a week and one right before the exam but since is Quad C and its a community college they dont have that. Jerry's birthday is Friday and I cant wait. We are having a small get together birthday party over at Nancy and John's house that night. I just hope my parents will allow me to spend the night cuz my dad has this big thing about getting up early on saturday mornings and studying. Well we'll see.

Monday, July 11, 2005


Layla LaRue looks hot in this pic. People this is not plastic surgery just an illusion. She is all boy! Pure Fish!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Job Oppurtunities

I have a friend who is very much in need of a job. If you know of any really good oppurtunities perhaps at your job or something you are aware of, please post the info here in the comments section. It would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

So I made a 96 on the third US history exam and 100 on my paper. My teacher said I did an excellent analysis. We have two more class periods and then our final on thursday which is really just exam over unit 4 not comprehensive. OUr midterm for american sign language is on thursday and I have alot of studying and practicing to do for that class. We did some practice stuff and alot I knew but others I was lost. This weekend, I went over to Jerry's on Saturday which was alot of fun. Ooby, Nancy's new puppy, is so cute and sweet! Omg! I also got to see Keesha who I just adore. My dog piper pees everytime he gets excited like when Ive been upstairs for an hour and come down, he tinkles everywhere (in his pin, like a baby pin in the middle of the kitchen so not on the carpet) but still. I want to research and try to find out what I can to to try to curb this behavior. He knows to go bathroom outside but its just he gets so excited like he hasnt seen me in years.(same with other family members). Paula wasnt in class today and missed the midterm review. I really hope everything is alright. She has very positive energy which radiates from her. I really missed her being in class. Im going to lab in a little bit but right now Im just taking a break from ASL becuase my mind is in overload. thought this was a stunning picture of erica andrews so had to include it. Hey Kelly is there anyway you could take an upclose picture of the two murals in the rose room?