My filled with happiness life

"What if the world was crazy and I was sane Would it be so strange I can't believe that I am alone in saying The things I'm saying I am - part of you These are - universal truths We're all - part of the light that flows through everything" -Cher ! "It proves that you are unusual," said the Scarecrow, "and in my opinion being unusual is one of the best things in the world. For the common folks are like the leaves on a tree, and live and die unnoticed." -excerpt from "The Land of Oz"

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The tragedy that almost was

So I was sitting in my dorm room doing some last minute studying, I go on Webct and look at the calendar (because we have to know all the authors on the calendar whether we covered them in class discussion and lecture or not) just to make sure I had not forgotten an author or title. I am going through the calendar, Im making some flash cards and feeling good. Hey Its only 1115, I still got plenty of time to do last minute touch study for this final. I arrive at May and all of a sudden today's date on the calendar jumps out and the times on the calendar do not say the exam starts at 1230 like I thought ( I checked the finals schedule online at the official UNT website a few days ago but I obviously read it wrong because I thought for sure it was at 1230) instead its at 1030 and Im almost an hour late to the exam. I am in a state of panic. I drop everything, forgetting my keys, and run as fast as I can through the dorm hallways, down the stairs and to the bus stop. By the time, I get on the bus I can hardly breathe, I am having like an anxiety attack and am about to burst into tears at any minute. I was so afraid that since it was only a 40 question exam relatively easy that everyone would not have needed more than an hour and that when I arrived in the classroom, it would be empty. As empty as my grade in that class would have meant because if you miss the final, you get an automatic F in the course regardless of what grade you currently have in the exam. Well I take the bus and the bus driver lets me off alittle closer than normal to help me out and I belt out of that bus like a speeding bullet fueled with adrenaline running through campus like a sprinter. I take the two flights of stairs up and heres the moment of truth, will anyone still be there? Do I still have a chance of passing this class. I get there about well I guess 1130 although I didnt have my cell phone on me and I walk into the room and not a single classmate is there. The room is not empty though: sitting in the far upper right corner grading the final is the teacher's assistant who I tell in my emotionally overwhelmed state that I got the exam times mixed up. She tells me calm down, dont worry, relax, you have an hour and this is an easy exam anyway. I take my exam and take my time. I think I did well. The grades will be posted this afternoon. The bonus question which I definitely got right and I thought was pretty cool was "what is the meaning of carpe diem". Of course, it is seize the day, which is exactly what I plan to do now. Working on completing everything else is now my focus, I am going to seize the day and make this a productful and wonderful day. My emotional storm within has calmed. If I work efficiently as a hard worker, everything will get done. Im off to seize the day because everything cant wait til tommorow and how do I even know there will be a tommorow? Only today is promised to me. I really do feel too that it was by the blessing of God that I went online and went on WebCT and that time was brough to my attention. Thank You! And Im off........


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