This has been a sad week. I have only seen Jerry for 2 hours this whole week. I really really miss him. I cant wait to see him tommorow even if it is only for a short period of time. I hope I get to see alot more of him next week. I love him so much. I have to look at the bigger picture though I have alot to be thankful for. I have a wonderful boyfriend in my life who loves me very much. Its just been a hard week for me. Tommorow's a new day tho. Tonight, on my walk back to the dorm when i was walking on the golf course which is poorly lighted and kind of scary, I looked into the sky and saw Orion and Castar and Pollux and Saturn and Serius and proscion. it was cool that i could actually point them out and identify them. it was so beautiful. it made me smile. well im off to sleep. sweet dreams to me. hehe. night.
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